Soon after reaching the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque (author of
All Quiet on the Western Front, joined Schanztrupp Bethe, 2. Company of the Reserve Infantry Regiment 15 (June 26, 1917). Although the regiment had its headquarters far behind the front, somewhere between Thorhut and Houthulst, about 10 kilometers northeast of Langemarck, it is not clear exactly where Remarque was digging trenches - however probably not more than 10 kilometers from Ernst Jünger at this point. A few days later, in July 31, 1917, that is the first day of the Third Battle of Ypres, when Jünger was defending the Rattenburg bunker at Steenbach, Remarque was wounded by artillery grenade splinters in the left leg, right arm, and neck. On August 1 Remarque was sent to field hospital 309 in Geite-St.-Josef, thus near by the regimental headquarters. On August 2 Ernst Jünger passed Staden, close to Geite-St.-Josef, which he might very well have passed on the march to Gits.
Am 12. Juni 1917 wurde der Rekrut Remark an die Westfront zur 2. Kompanie Feld-Rekruten-Depot der 2. Garde-Reserve-Division nach Ham-Lenglet (Belgien) verlegt. Ende Juni 1917 war er beim Schanztrupp Bethe, 2. Kompanie, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 15, zwischen Torhout und Houthulst (Belgien). Er wird längere Zeit bei Schanzarbeiten eingesetzt, und am 31.07.17 durch Granatsplitter am linken Arm und rechten Bein verwundet und erhält einen Halsschuß. 01.08.1917: Im Feld-Lazarett 309 in Geite-St.-Josef und in Torhout.