Title page:
In Stahlgewittern
Ernst Jünger
Trans. SATO Masao
Stamp, above: The Imperial Library bibliotheca
Stamp, below: 923. Acquired Shōwa 5th
[The Imperial Library was a national library in Japan before WWII, established in 1897.]
Last page of the text ends (translated from the 1924 edition): "Germany lives and Germany shall never go under."
Last page (colophon):
Printed: Shōwa 5th. September 10th
Published: Shōwa 5th. September 13th
Translator: SATO Masao
Published by UEMURA Kiyotoshi
Tokyo-shi, Hongo-ku, Komagomeuefujimae-cyo, 109-banchi
Printed by YAMAKAKE Seiichi
Tokyo-chi, Kanda-ku, Imagawakouj i, 1-chome, 1-banchi
Kommanditgesellschaft Senshin-sya
Tokyo-shi, Hongo-ku, Komagomeuefujimae-cyo, 109-banchi
tel: Koishikawa (2044/2144)
Commutation Tokyo 65238
"In Stahlgewittern" list price: 1 yen 50 sen
Inside the publisher's square stamp - a rider with sword, helmet and shield - is a round stamp of approval.Last page (colophon):
Printed: Shōwa 5th. September 10th
Published: Shōwa 5th. September 13th
Translator: SATO Masao
Published by UEMURA Kiyotoshi
Tokyo-shi, Hongo-ku, Komagomeuef
Printed by YAMAKAKE Seiichi
Tokyo-chi, Kanda-ku, Imagawakouj i, 1-chome, 1-banchi
Kommanditgesellschaft Senshin-sya
Tokyo-shi, Hongo-ku, Komagomeuef
tel: Koishikawa (2044/2144)
Commutation Tokyo 65238
"In Stahlgewittern" list price: 1 yen 50 sen
The Japanese edition from 1930 is extremely rare. Furthermore, it is printed in a script system used up to the WWII and requires a quite an effort for a reader not familiar with it.
Interestingly, and so far unknown to Ernst Jünger's bibliographers, the Japanese edition of In Stahlgewittern was intended for youth or/and uneducated readers, with furigana characters printed alongside the kanji, to show how the characters are pronounced.
Bibliographic data of the Japanese translation ("Kotetsu no arashi") of In Stahlgewittern from the Japanese National Diet Library (kana within box brackets):
Title: 鋼鉄のあらし [ コウテツ ノ アラシ ] (Kotetsu no arashi)
Author: エルンスト・ユンゲル (Ernst Jünger)
Translator: 佐藤, 雅雄 [ サトウ,マサオ ] (SATO Masao)
Publisher: 先進社 [ センシンシャ ] (Senshin-sya, Tokyo)
Year: 1930
Size: 348 p.; 19 cm
Thank you for translation and all help
Kasumi Kobayashi with the blog La bibliothèque secrète d'un ourson!
See also posting at Notebookism!