In July 2008 a Finnish translation (by Markus Lång) of In Stahlgewittern will be published, Teräsmyrskyssä *. The publishing company Ajatus Kirjat is a non-fiction imprint belonging to Gummerus, Finland's oldest publishing house (est. 1872), which is the third biggest publishing house in Finland.
The book has a preface, "Sotaelämyksen tulkitsija, kiistelty kirjailija Ernst Jünger" (which could be translated to "The render of war, the controversial author Ernst Jünger"), by history professor Marjatta Hietala, who in the beginning of the 1970s wrote her dissertation Der neue Nationalismus in der Publizistik Ernst Jüngers und des Kreises um ihn 1920-1933 (Helsinki, 1975), and also interviewed Jünger several times. The preface includes a biography, but is mainly an academic discussion about Jünger and German nationalism of the 1920s-30s, i.e. about der neue Nationalismus in der Publizistik Ernst Jüngers und des Kreises um ihn 1920-1933, not about the autobiographical account of the First World War In Stahlgewittern.
* There is actually already a book in Finland with the title Teräsmyrskyssä, i.e. Aake Jermo's book from 1980 about the great battle at Äyräpää-Vuosalmen in 1944: Teräsmyrskyssä loppuun asti ("In the storm of steel to the end").
Thanks Victor Aitman for help with translation etc!
Review in Helsingin Sanomat 3rd July 2008: "Sotilas ei kiirehdi kohtaloonsa puolipukeissa: Ernst Jüngerin klassikko on kylmäverinen kuvaus toisen maailmansodan juoksuhaudoista"
Interview with professor Marjatta Hietala in Finnish YLE Radio 1, "Hitlerille tietä raivannut Teräsmyrskyssä-kirja ilmestyi suomeksi", 10th July 2008